Progetti europei

dal 16 APR 2024 al 19 APR 2024

SOUL MATE - Meeting in Erfurt

SOUL MATE - Meeting in Erfurt (Germany)

Mariarita Valentini and Eleonora Marsili Leaving ✈️

Together with our project partners we will develop a workplace mental health training program for employees & self-employed individuals with disabilities.

Soul Mate is an ERASMUS+ project in cooperation with Kopf, hand + Fuss gGmbH from Berlin (Stefanie Trzecinski, Judith Zinke), People First from Pécs (Veronika Pataki), SATIS Centro Clinico from Rome (Mariarita Valentini, Eleonora Marsili, Graziosa Sacco, Chiara Pianciamore, Emanuele Caroppo, Laura Lo Paro and Giannangelo Boccuzzi), Work with Ease from Sofia (Andrea Kaden, Ralf Westphal) & VSBI from Erfurt.

We are looking forward to the oncoming project meetings!

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dal 22 GIU 2023 al 24 GIU 2023

SOUL MATE - Meeting in Pécs


The second international meeting of the Erasmus + project, SOUL MATE, took place these days in lovely Pécs, Hungary, hosted by Veronika Pataki (People First). These were days of lively debates, discussion and growth.

As the Italian partner, SATIS Centro Clinico di Psicologia, will work on mental health aspects in the area of work-related stress.

The goal of the three-year German, Bulgarian, Hungarian and Italian cooperation is to develop a workplace mental health training program for employees & self-employed individuals with disabilities.

Scarica allegato

dal 01 NOV 2022 al 31 OTT 2025

Progetto Europeo Erasmus Plus SOUL MATE - Mental care at work for people with disabilities

Satis è partner di SOUL MATE un importante progetto europeo in collaborazione con Kopf, hand + Fuss gGmbH di Berlino, People First di Pécs (Ungheria), Work with Ease di Sofia (Bulgaria) e VSBI di Erfurt (Germania).

Il focus del progetto è un’analisi delle linee guida sulla disabilità mentale in ambito lavorativo. Siamo molto felici di aprirci ad esperienze e pratiche di livello europeo, che potranno accrescere le nostre vedute e le nostre competenze.

Scarica allegato

dal 01 NOV 2022 al 31 OTT 2025

SOUL MATE - Kick-Off Meeting in Berlin

Soul Mate Kick-Off Meeting in Berlin: It was cold outside but within our first project team meeting at #TUECHTIG there were warm feelings, some heated debate and sweet snacks from Bulgaria and Hungary 🍬!

Together with our project partners we will develop a workplace mental health training program for employees & self-employed individuals with disabilities.

Soul Mate is an ERASMUS+ project in cooperation with Kopf, hand + Fuss gGmbH from Berlin (Stefanie Trzecinski, Judith Zinke), People First from Pécs (Veronika Pataki), SATIS Centro Clinico from Rome (Mariarita Valentini, Eleonora Marsili, Graziosa Sacco, Chiara Pianciamore, Emanuele Caroppo e Giannangelo Boccuzzi), Work with Ease from Sofia (Andrea Kaden, Ralf Westphal) & VSBI from Erfurt.

We are looking forward to the oncoming project meetings!

#mentalhealth #inclusion #soulmate #barrierfree #mentalhealtheducation #erasmusplus #erasmusplusproject

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Mental care at work for
people with disabilities

Co-funded by the
Erasmus + Programme
of the European Union

Ministero delle Imprese
e del Made in Italy