Research and innovation

Creativity involves the depth of a mind and many, many depths of unconsciousness.

Oliver Sacks

Some of our writings and researches

Motherhood in Alternative Detention Conditions: A Preliminary Case-Control Study, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

28 MAG 2022  |  Dr.ssa M. Valentini  |  PUBLICATION

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La vita degli altri in Grassi P.; Zammit R. (a cura di), La bioetica e i cinque sensi tra pratica clinica di E. Caroppo e M. Valentini

01 SET 2021  |  Dr.ssa M. Valentini  |  PUBLICATION

PDF in preparation

Wasteland - Il preoccupante disagio mentale provocato dalla pandemia sugli adolescenti, (LinKiesta) di Emanuele Caroppo e Mariarita Valentini

26 MAR 2021  |  Dr.ssa M. Valentini  |  PUBLICATION

PDF in preparation


Mental care at work for
people with disabilities

Co-funded by the
Erasmus + Programme
of the European Union

Ministero delle Imprese
e del Made in Italy