Professionalism and experience

In order to understand other’s feelings, you must understand yours first.


Our services


Our way of doing psychotherapy is called humanistic.

In this type of psychotherapy, the person is considered as a biological, psychological and social unit, because all these aspects are important and cannot be separated.

In our psychotherapy sessions we create an atmosphere of empathy and acceptance, and offer the patient an opportunity for a psychological and human growth.

We think there can be no cure without an authentic relationship based on trust.

The necessary first step is to allow emotions to come to light and express themselves.

Within a protected listening space, suffering and discomfort can be transformed into a healing experience.

We provide the patient with effective tools to improve his/her family, relational and work life.

Our arrival point is the integral well-being of the person.

Psychodiagnostic analysis

Our psychodiagnostic service is an investigation of the person and his/her psychological functioning. Its goal is to identify psychological problems and difficulties, highlight the personality structure and identify the person's resources and abilities.

The main areas under investigation are: the emotional sphere, the cognitive sphere and the relational styles.

Thanks to the analysis we can understand the psychic discomfort to trace a therapeutic project tailored to the patient.

Our verification model is aimed at both adults and minors.

It makes use of validated and internationally recognized tools and it is carried out by a team of expert psychotherapist and psychologists.

Our fields of application are: clinical, forensic, related to work, scholastic and related to developmental age.

Child psychotherapy

Psychotherapy sessions are also useful for boys and girls who experience emotional ailment and discomfort.

This is why Satis provides specific paths for childhood.

Psychotherapy can be started at any age because it is personalized.

Let's start from the family context, that is from the relationships with the reference figures (parents, brothers and sisters, grandparents and teachers) and with peers. The parental couple is an integral part of the therapeutic process. For this reason, the parents and the psychotherapist have frequent meetings and collaborate together for the best outcome of the treatment.

Boys and girls diagnosed with DSA and ADHD are also followed up through interviews with teachers.

Psychiatric consultation

The psychiatric consultation is carried out by a specialist in psychiatry and takes place with an interview.

Its objective is to diagnose and treat psychiatric disorders through pharmacological, psychotherapeutic or psychoanalytic treatment.

The visit takes place in an atmosphere of empathy, so that the patient can express himself/herself as he/she wishes and report his reflections and emotions.

The presence of the medical figure of the psychiatrist within Satis allows, through a team work, to consider all aspects of the discomfort and to intervene appropriately in any type of psychopathological disorder.

Psychotherapy for adolescence

Psychotherapy sessions are also useful for adolescents who experience emotional disturbances and discomfort.

Adolescence is a phase of life in which one is involved in a process of transformation and self-definition. Doubts, questions about one's identity, dissatisfaction with one's body and tensions with the family are moments of transition and profound transformation.

Through the meeting with the psychotherapist, the adolescent with mental discomfort can find a place and a relationship that allows him/her to solve his/her problems and realize himself/herself.

Method of study and school coaching for children and adolescents

Through individual meetings, the school coach helps the student to organize his/her time, to plan and build a study method, to recover confidence in his/her abilities.

It is a course appropriate for primary, upper and lower secondary school students.

The scholastic coaching path allows the student to focus on his/her own resources, to manage emotions, to reinforce life skills and to solve the problems and the difficulties connected to the study.

Mental training for athletes

Mental Training is a set of strategies designed for athletes to improve their performance in training and in competition.

Mental Training affects the development of all skills and allows the achievement of results in the short, medium and long term. It leverages personal motivations, transforms them into goals and translates them into constant commitment.

Satis applies Mental Training with the teenagers of the summer camps of the Castro Rugby Academy of Martin Castrogiovanni, with whom Satis collaborates.

Bioenergetics exercise class

Bioenergetics analysis, founded by the American psychotherapist and psychiatrist Alexander Lowen (1910-2008), is a psychotherapy that favours body-mind integration.

During a session we don't limit ourselves to using the dialogue with the patient as we do in traditional psychotherapy.

We observe the patient's body and posture (how he/she walks, how he/she sits, even how he/she breathes), looking for chronic muscular tensions that the subject is unable to identify on his/her own but which are at the origin of his/her psychic malaise.

With a series of bioenergetics exercises, which can be done individually or in a group with other people, we are able to work on these tensions and restore the patient's psychophysical well-being.


Mental care at work for
people with disabilities

Co-funded by the
Erasmus + Programme
of the European Union

Ministero delle Imprese
e del Made in Italy